Monday, March 10, 2008

Teachers get bored too!

We're still doing Jekyll and Hyde. We should have finished it a couple of weeks ago, but we've had so many distractions lately (read previous post for elaboration) that we just can't get to the end. It's such a short book, and it's intensive. It's not meant to be read over the course of several weeks. They were almost on the edge of their seats at the beginning. Well, they were semi-interested anyway. Everybody knows the mystery behind that book before they read it, so it's no great surprise. Jekyll and Hyde are one person - woo-hoo.

Now, things have dragged on too long, and even I'm getting bored with it. I re-read the book in two days before I started teaching it, and was thrilled with the possibilities. Addiction! Obsession! Multiple personalities! The dark side of human nature! So many ways to go with the story. Now, I'm way past it. I've exhausted it. They have too. They're so over it, but we still have the skit/presentation, the paper, the list of questions and the quiz. Not to mention the last chapter (because I'm pretending they all read the other chapters) and the movie version. I can cut the quiz, maybe. I can't cut the paper because they're entering them in a nationwide contest. They've already started the questions and presentations. Did I mention that they also made a list of the top quotes from each chapter, and we have yet to go over those? I over-did it in the planning, and now I'm stuck.

I just wish they could hurry up and finish, so we could move on to something more exciting. I'm sure they're thinking the same thing about me, only they don't hide it as well as I do. The homework blackout (previous post again) prevents anything from getting accomplished quickly.

It's almost spring, and things need to be revived soon before senioritis kicks in for them. I hope The Metamorphosis will do the trick. I've never heard anyone say Kafka brought their students back to life, so maybe I'll be the first.

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